wired2theworld.com WIRED2THEWORLD.COMwired2theworld.com


    "....after going thru your web site almost in its entirety I feel as tho I know you both. Congratulations.You have done a fantastically excelent job.My wife and I( I am 76 and she is 72) have travelled to most, but not all, of the places that you have written about- and to some that you have not and your descriptions of things you have done and seen and eaten and "drinken" are so excellent and so honest and written in such an interesting style that you really deserve every acolade possible...Your senses of humor are great and I thought your packing list was SUPER....You both write with a VERY INTERESTING style."
-J & Y Belsinger

     "What a site! The best I've ever seen--It's now the #1 spot in my "favorites" Read about you in the NY Times which I'm sure will generate 1000s of emails. "-J. Haedrich

        "I saw the piece in today's NY Times; checked out the site and wow it really got my juices for traveling flowing again; especially the part about looking for a nice seafood place you recalled from 10 years ago, albeit not finding it.  None of this is a waste of time, because
recollection is only a pointer; while you may not find what you were looking for, behold you "stumble" by other equally enjoyable sites, sounds or whatever.  Great that you guys would go through the trouble of sharing this...do I smell capital here?"-R. Steele

    "I just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying your ongoing travelogue, please keep up the good work.  I'm planning to set off on my own RTW journey next year - so am interested in all the details, costs, etc.  It's nice for us armchair adventurers to be able to follow your journeys - it is greatly appreciated. I especially like how you give two viewpoints to your trip, it provides a nice contrast. "-A. Hanson

 "Read about your site in today's New York Times.  It is an incredible site. You both should be very proud. Keep up the good work!"- J. Baum

    "I have dreamed  many times of doing what you guys are doing. I'm sure most of the people on your list say the same.  You are inspiration to us!  In fact, I am going to do something like it sometime, but I have no plans made as yet..."-C.D.

    "I have just stumbled accross you web site and I would just like to say that I think it is great. My biggest ambition is to travel round the world." J. Youngson

    "Hi there.  We were neighbors in Ubud for a few days.  I finally took the time to check out your web page.  Forget cooking/teaching, y'all should be designing webpages and writing books!  Truly a pleasure to read."-R. Proulx

    "I am watching with interest as your journey develops.  I have done a little traveling myself and it is interesting to see some of the same feelings and revelations that I experienced as my travels evolved.  I just wanted to drop you an encouraging note.  Every day won't be great but the good ones will more than make up for the bad ones.  One more thing;  you'll get all kinds of opinions from all kinds of people. Some are nuts with no life.  Just enjoy your trip and tell us all about it.  Don't feel you have to justify or explain what you say or how you say it."-

    "Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoy reading about your adventures.  You guys are on the trip that I have been dreaming of, so I am getting lots of helpful hints.  I can hardly wait until the next installment to see where you go next"- S. Newton

    "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Mahalo for your sharing your views of the world with us (yes, now it's us...as my ipo (sweetheart) is now a reader of your journals. Nothing like the real thing, but your writings get us closer! Dave, I love your melodrama.  I identified well with your awe."-sweetlei

    "I'm in the midst of planning my trip beginning in July 1999.  I wanted to let you know that I just saw you 'For Women Only' section and really appreciate it.  I welcome any more tips you might add for women especially when you get into Southeast Asia and India.
Thanks for your page.  I'm living vicariously through you guys until next year." T. Esin

    "HI!! You don't know me, but I stumbled across your travelougue today. Firstly, I'll tell you I can't wait to read more. I am planning a 6 month Pacific Cricle (SE Asia, Oz, NZ) journey for my boyfriend & myself for next September so I have found your page full of very usefull info....Good luck on your trip, can't wait to share it with you by reading your journals! "

"Around the World on the Web:
    Kristina Johnson and David Franke left for a trip around the world in late August. Their itinerary spans a full year and most of the world. They are traveling west and making numerous stops including Fiji, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Nepal, the African continent, Jordan and Turkey. Yes, we’re jealous, but the good news is they plan to share this
incredible experience. With a laptop and their iPass connection, they will be posting news and views of their travels at http://www.wired2theworld.com"-DNAI Newsletter

    "Loved your site! Excellent photographs and concise but informative text. Bravo."
-M. Gadbois

    "I finally had the chance to check out your web site....It is phenomenal!!! I am hugely impressed.  How do you have time to do this, and spend time seeing the sites??"- M. Harrington

    "Hello David & Kristina - I don't know if you're taking e-mails from strangers, or if you have to pay to get them (sorry!), but I wanted to let you know that I enjoy the trip updates and you are an inspiration to me, as I am setting off in May 1999 for my own RTW trip.  Even tho I'm not going for as long as you, I am 32 (i.e., beyond most hostel frathouses) and value the reviews that you give of the places you stay, things you see, especially Australia and Bali."-C. Menjou

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 last updated on August 8, 1999