Packing-Women’s Clothes
The most recent version of this page lives here.
Scroll down the page for the Basic Women’s Cold Weather Packlist (Spring/Fall in Europe)
See the Tech, Toiletries, and Other page for non-clothing items and this page for the Men’s Packlist.
- Whenever I have to check my main bag, I always pack a ziplock bag into my carry-on with a change of clothes (shirt, bra, underwear, socks) in case luggage is lost or delayed.
- If David and I are traveling together, I pack a change of clothes into his bag and put one in mine. That way, if one bag goes missing, we each have something.
- Almost everything that goes into the 22″ bag gets rolled or folded and then put in a ziplock bag. This helps keep everything organized and tidy.
Basic Hot Weather Packlist (Tropical/Beach/South East Asia)
Packing Light:
The list below is for a 15 day trip to Cambodia and Burma in July 2014. Both of us went on this trip and we each had a 22″ roll aboard and a smaller carry-on bag/backpack. We did not need to check our bags., though on the way there we checked two giant bags filled with donations for The clothes for this trip were very casual as the trip was active, involving lots of outdoor sightseeing in very hot and humid weather.
Post Trip Notes:
We each wore everything we brought. We had laundry done at the guesthouse in Siem Reap, spending about $5 to have a basket full of clothes cleaned. I don’t think I ever wore the windbreaker but I did wear the sweater on planes and the long sleeve shirts over t-shirts and tanks to keep the sun off my arms. I got badly burned on the tops of my feet though my Keen sandals during our day out on Inle Lake. The spots took almost 6 months to fade!
About the hiking boots; I’ve had them for several years and they are perfect for trekking though the jungle and through muddy markets. People always ask if my feet get hot and I don’t really think so. Either way, I’m happy my feet are protected and it works for me, but they probably aren’t necessary for everyone.

Basic Cold Weather (Spring/Fall) Pack-list
The list below is for a week trip long trip to Japan in Spring, but we would bring similar clothes to Europe in the Fall, or any large US City. The weather should be in the 60’s to low-70’s during the day with some rain and into the 50’s at night. We both had 22″ rollaboards which we checked because most international carriers have strict weight requirements. If we had been flying a US Airline, we might have been able to carry it all on. Besides the 22′, we each had a small backpack and a day bag for our cameras.
T shirts-Short sleeve-3
Long Sleeve T-Shirts-6
(t-shirts are all solid color, cotton w/a bit of lycra)
¾ length sleeve cotton tops-1
Tank top-1
Lightweight cotton tunic shirt-1
Sweaters, cashmere-3 (I love cashmere because it’s very light but warm)
Sweatervest, cotton
Medium-weight black coat
Black Cotton wide leg pants (comfortable on the plane)
Black Chinos
Brown short boots
Black tall boots
Black messenger bag (for camera)

One Comment
Thanks so much for your information. I am going to plan travel for long journey too. Have fun!!