Siem Reap; The Old Market
I’ll be the first to admit we didn’t do much in Siem Reap, at least not much in the way of typical tourist activities. There were no visits to Angkor Wat, no Land Mine Museum, no night market. Instead, we…
Planning a Trip to Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma)
Planning a trip to Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma); tips on hotels, packing, transportation, and money.
What’s new on wired2theworld? Cambodia, Burma, London, China and Italy, oh my!
I’m behind on blog posts. Like really, really, behind on writing about the wonderful places we’ve been in the last year. But I’d like to change that so I’m putting it out there, making it public, in the hopes I’ll be…
Capture the Color Photography Contest
I’m really not one for entering contests. Primarily because like most people, I think my chances of winning are so small, why waste my time? But this contest buzzing about the interwebs, Travel Supermarket’s Capture the Color, got me to…
Phnom Penh; Visiting Tuol Sleng/S21 and the Central Market
October 13, 2010 Phnom Penh, Cambodia I really wanted to like Phnom Penh. Send me to Rome, Bangkok, or San Francisco and I’m in my element. I get restless after a couple of days spent sitting on a beach or…
Bashi & Blessings, Plus Food At Siem Reap’s Old Market
We started our morning with breakfast at the guesthouse and Marina Ly’s version of the Cambodian breakfast noodles, Num Bahn Choc. She makes her spring rolls by hand and fries them to order. It’s a great way to start the…
A visit to Tchey School and a Trip to Siem Reap’s Central Market
October 11, 2010 Siem Reap, Cambodia Today was a day of running errands for the foundation, but it was fun and interesting. The first order of the day was a visit to Tchey School to deliver some school books and…
On the Rails in Battambang, Monks Trump All
October 10, 2010 Battambang Cambodia In the light of day, the room at La Villa is quite nice, sizable to the point of being cavernous. We have a balcony with a view of the river and a bathroom with a huge cast…