San Francisco 2010-Ferry Building Farmer’s Market, MOMA, First Crush
The Ferry Building Farmer’s Market is one of my favorite places in San Francisco. Saturday morning we opted for coffee and pastries in the hotel’s lobby and then went down to Market street and caught the F tram to the Ferry Plaza stop. By that time the market was in full swing. David couldn’t resist buying a maple-bacon beignet from a bakery stand, and I bought some intensely flavorful and juicy organic green and purple pluots.
As it turns out, this tour was called “Calder to Warhol; Introducing the Fisher Collection.” These were all pieces donated by the Fisher family who started the Gap corporation. Avid collectors, they amassed over 1100 important modern art pieces and have donated them all to the SF MOMA under the condition that the museum be expanded to three times its current size to house the entire collection by 2016. The pieces we saw were on temporary loan as a preview of what’s to come six years from now.
Our tour, which was supposed to last 45 minutes, lasted an hour an a half and our passionate and well informed docent made it so interesting that the time pretty much flew by. We saw works by Alexander Calder, Chuck Close, Anselm Kiefer, Roy Lichtenstein, Agnes Martin, Gerhard Richter, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol and more. This specific exhibit is no longer there but gives a good indication of the types of works in the museum and the direction it’s going the future.
One of the artists I liked a lot but was unfamiliar with was Gerhard Richter. He had a very eclectic style and didn’t confine himself to one genre of painting. All of his pieces were shown in one room so the viewer could appreciate the stylistic differences.
One of the other more interesting pieces was by Sol LeWitt. These were pencil drawings done right on the wall and would be removed after the exhibit, so they were temporary. But it’s not the fact that the giant X was done entirely in pencil line drawing which made it interesting, what I found intriguing was that the work was done after the artist’s death. The pieces were created to the exact specifications and instructions given by the artist and were meant to be recreated anywhere. This of course led to the discussion of what is art and who is the artist?

Tandem World
Great photos! The 4 at the top where so colorful in our RSS reader that we were compelled to click through! We don’t really do “small plates” but next time we are in SF, we will definitely be having nachos at Daves.
Thank you! Funny, I rarely order nachos, but those were a meal all alone! But really, the best thing was the porchetta sandwich. I could eat that every day and not get tired of it.
Heather in SF @HeatherHAL
I love that porcetta sandwich! They make their own rosemary salt for a final sprinkle and crunch. They are at the Ferry Building at lunch on Tuesdays and I am addicted to doing there for that sandwich, with extra pork skin. So glad you had a fun trip here, and it was interesting to read about MOMA. I had heard they wanted to expand but didn’t know why.
Hi Heather! Yes, it was really fun and we love the city. We also went to one of your recs, Ton Kiang on the last day.
I love the work of Alexander Calder! We have his La Grande Vitesse downtown. It was the was the first public work of art in the United States to be funded with federal monies acquired from the National Endowment for the Arts through their Works of Art in Public Places Program. One of Grand Rapids, Michigan’s claims to fame! This past spring our art museum also hosted a temporary exhibit of his work. I knew Calder was a sculptor, painter and artist well-known for inventing the mobile, yet had no idea he also designed and created jewelry. Cool stuff!
Yes, I actually learned on the tour that Calder is credited with inventing the mobile! I’d had no idea. I assumed that it had been around for much longer.
I’m now craving a pork sandwich and a visit to MOMA (I haven’t been in at least 10 yrs). Great post!
I had First Crush on my list for the last time I was in San Francisco and never got there…hmmm…a reason to go back! That, and the porchetta! 🙂
Chez Us
I always love reading someone else’s view on our city. Great weekend write up & you hit some highlights. I have not been to Crush in years and you have definitely made me want to give it another try.
I really enjoyed the Farmer’s Market update and all the wonderful photos. We love the guy with the clarinet; we call him Dan the Music Man. Have not seen him in a couple years and ran into him a couple weeks ago at the Bart station. I am so glad to see he is still around and even happier to see the lovely photo of him on your write up!