Kristina and David's Round-The-World
US$1=1.48 Swiss Francs
April 15 and 16, 1999
Champery, Switzerland
Our visit to Pompeii was well worth the time and
energy, but it also put off the inevitable departure for Switzerland.
We finally embarked upon the endless journey northwards, at a little after
two o' clock. We drove for hours and hours, past Rome, past Florence
and Bologna, past Milan and Turin, finally ascending into the Italian Alps
in the late hours of the night.
It took us until midnight to reach Aosta, at the
top of the valley. It was dark, and raining ferociously. We
were watching the outside temperature gauge on our trusty Peugeot with
some concern as it was dropping as regularly as we were climbing in altitude.
I was too wound up to be tired, and every ounce of my concentration was
focused on the job of driving safely in the worst possible conditions.
The Mont Blanc Tunnel was, of course, closed down a few weeks earlier for
repairs after the tragic fire. We were headed over a tiny mountain
pass very near the Mont Blanc, but into Switzerland, not France.
Our fear, however, was that, if the St. Bernard were snowed in and closed,
we would have to backtrack all the way to Turin and go around the entire
Alpine range via France and the Riviera! Adding hundreds of kilometres
to our journey. As the Autostrada came to an abrupt end before the
now closed tunnel, there was a sign indicating the Great St. Bernard Pass
was open. What a relief!
That sense of relief was short lived, however, as
we began to climb even further up the mountain on tiny winding roads. The
rain was taking on a coarse texture, that I recognized as early stages
of freezing. The thermometer read 1 degree centigrade, and
before we knew it, it was snowing. Our next mantra became "as long
as it doesn't stick to the road we'll be all right". Another 500
meters up, and it was sticking. Then we saw a sign that stated the pass
was closed. We balked. What to do? Move on, and try to
squeak through. We continued forward, now driving very cautiously through
four inches of fresh snow covering the road. The scariest part was
that there were no other tracks ahead of me to follow, which meant nobody
else was foolish enough to try to make this crossing under these conditions.
Jinkies, Shaggy..
We are in a full blown blizzard now, and can barely
see out the front of the car. We are so past the point of no return
that I have no choice but to forge my way forward. Finally,
another sign. This one says that while the pass is closed, the Gd.
St. Bernard Tunnel is open. Hooray! For a fee, of course.
We pay the toll and proceed most happily into the shelter of the overhang.
This is not a tunnel like Mt. Blanc. It is a Gallery, technically,
where the top and bottom and inside walls are enclosed, but the outside
wall is cutout in giant rectangles so that you can see the fantastic scenery.
This alpine passageway is 27 kilometres long, and in the middle is the
border and customs office. We stopped and paid our 30 dollars for
the Swiss autoroute tax and sticker, and made our way along, dreading the
end of the tunnel.
The weather on the Swiss side was not as nasty and
windy as on the Italian side, but there was a lot of snow. The snowflakes
were big and bright, dancing randomly to the earth where they blanketed
everything te eye could see. The road was again a virgin field of
snow, which gave no indication as to the contour of the road, or the shoulder.
In fact, except for the railing and the cliff on the outside, there was
no telling where the road was at all. I glided down from the pass,
on the windy two lane road that leads into Martigny, with mixed feelings
of comfort and anxiety. The conditions were treacherous. We
were driving at 1:00 in the morning in at least a foot of unplowed snow
on a cliff hanging road in a heavy snowfall. The falling snowflakes
were so beautiful they distracted you from whatever you were doing,
including driving. On the other hand, I felt like I was coming home, and
the sensation of recognizing the way after eight years of absence was awesome.
Somehow, we made it down off the mountain, and I
directed us to the autoroute. I was on autopilot now, and I needed
no maps or directions, only a few faithful landmarks, which were exactly
where they were supposed to be. Finding my way from Martigny to Monthey
was no problem, nor was climbing up the mountain road to Champery.
After a long long drive, we had finally arrived at my Grandparents chalet
in the Alps. We unpacked quickly, made the beds and crashed out pretty
April 17, 1999
A weekend of skiing
To say that I was excited by the quantity of snow in Champery would be a gross understatement. I was ecstatic. The only thought I could keep in my head was the vision of me skiing the hallowed slopes of the Portes Du Soleil in the fresh powder that would be left after the snowstorm blew itself out. Only once before in my life had I been allowed such a chance, and I was not going to miss out. During the years 1984 and 1985, I lived in this village during the summers, and during the school year, my Grandfather arranged for me to stay with a colleague of his, who was the Protestant Minister in the town of Monthey. Monthey is at the bottom of the valley on the southern side of the Rhone river, and about 20 kilometres from Lac Leman (lake Geneva). The year that I lived there and went to school (11th grade), I had a season pass for the Portes du Soleil. This ski domain is bigger than any other I have ever seen, with 220 lifts of different kinds, and it has an incredible variety of terrain that covers both Swiss and French Alps. Their Slogan reads 'Skiing without borders', and they aren't kidding.
I skied the first clear day alone. Our friend
Tony, from NZ, couldn't come out until the next day, but at least he was
coming. I promised to be careful and kissed my wife good-bye before
trudging out the door in my ski boots. A very quaint little
red train connects the villages of the Val D'Illiez with Monthey and a
few other towns along the river. The train station at the top of
the valley, in Champery, is also the Telecabine station, which is a few
hundred yards from the front door of our place in the village. It didn't
take long to stumble over to the lift, which was barely half full.
The ride only takes a few minutes and from the top
of the mountain you can see glistening white peaks all around you, several
layers deep. The slopes weren't even groomed yet, and I could only see
a few skier's trails in the new snow. I floated down along the ridge
to the next lifts, selected the one climbing the biggest peak in front
of me, and continued my ascent. From the top of this lift you can
see to Mont Blanc, Zermatt, Leysin, and hundreds of other peaks.
One side is France and the other is Switzerland.
I chose the Swiss side, because the entire face
of the mountain was a clean sheet of untouched powder, but I knew it would
not last for long. I dropped off the cornice like somebody
skydiving for the first time, with a war cry and a bellyful of adrenaline,
but I did not go flying into the abyss at all. The snow was so light
and deep that you could glide easily even where it was steep, or even vertical
like the top 8-10 feet. Speed was not a problem, and I started to
get a rhythm going in my turns as I worked out the adrenaline from my system.
I had to stop halfway down and went flying head over heels when I broke
the comfortable pattern of s-turns. Pulling my self out of the snow,
I looked up to the hillside and saw my s-trail snaking down the hillside,
all alone for a moment of solitary ski heaven.
April 22, 1999
In a desperate quest to get out of the house, today
we drove to Geneva to go in search of artist's colony we had read about
called Artimis. It was supposed to be filled with art galleries, cafes,
and just be a cool place to hang out in this otherwise stuffy city. Well,
we actually found it, but it was clearly not a place for tourists. We wandered
around a bit, through a fenced off area of old warehouses
covered in graffiti (some good, some not) and could not find much of interest
open to the public. We even asked one woman who was in a workshop what
there was to do there, and she said, "basically, nothing." Apparently,
there are the occasional exhibits, but one has to be in the know to find
out when and where they are held. Walking around, I felt a general sense
of unwelcomeness and found myself anxious to leave.
After that, we had possibly the most expensive Mc Donald's meal for two on the planet and saw the famous fountain of Lake Geneva. Then, we just decided to call it a day and go home. If we had gone back, or felt more like sightseeing, we would have gone to the International Red Cross Museum which is supposed to be the most interesting museum in the city. Another time...
April 28, 1999
The cave...
Today we set off in search of one attraction and
discovered to our delight something completely different. David remembered
something about there being a fantastic natural gorge nearby, so off we
went in the PIA to go find it. After about twenty minutes of driving, we
came across the Grottes Au Fees set on the banks of a gushing river.
We looked at each other and said "why not? let's do this instead."
We parked the car and set off on foot up a winding
path through the woods. Along the way we passed a military museum, complete
with cannon on the battlements. We didn't stop though, and we continued
our way up the hill toward the entrance to the cave. Along the path, there
was a sweet cat, who after I paused to scratch her head, followed us almost
to the top. We think she lived there with the family who ran the restaurant
at the entrance to the cave.
Finally, we arrived at the top, sweating and completely
out of breath. We paid our entrance fee, and were given a weak flashlight,
and a piece of paper, which was encased in plastic to ward off the damp,
describing the various attractions of the cave and mapping its 1/2 k. length.
So, off we went into the dripping darkness. The
cave has a constant temperature of about 54 degrees and since it had been
raining steadily that week, was filled with puddles, and weeping walls.
I realized that we were the only people in there, and after about forty
feet in the dim lights, I was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic and
wishing we had a better flashlight.
One of the first things we encountered was the "fairy
fountain". According to legend, if you dip your right hand into the small
pool formed at the bottom of this little waterfall, you will have good
luck and prosper. Never ones to turn down an opportunity like that, we
followed the instructions to the letter.
The next interesting sight was something called
the "crocodile". This was a natural limestone formation
caused by thousands of years of dripping water, and when viewed from a
certain perspective, does indeed look like a very large reptile.
And on we went further, deeper into the cave. The
cave is 1/2 a kilometer deep and seemed to go on forever. I was starting
to get a bit uncomfortable, thinking about how far underground we were,
but I did want to get to the big payoff at the end which is a 70 meter
high waterfall. From quite a distance we could hear the roar of the water,
and I was sure that it would magically appear around every bend. Just when
I was about to give up, there it was! The tunnel opened up into a huge
cavern which contained a pool about 50 feet across and a waterfall dumping
hundreds of gallons of water a minute into it. The sound of the pounding
water was deafening, but it was an awesome sight to behold. There was a
viewing platform built over the pool, closer to the waterfall, and David
climbed it to get a better look and wound up drenched in the process. After
that it was time to go, as we still had another 1/2 kilometer to walk out.
I must say, I felt a sigh of relief as we exited the cave into the fresh
April 29, 1999
15 minutes of Fame...
Today we woke up filled with anticipation. When we
were in Poppi, we received an e mail from a writer for the New York Times.
She said she had seen a posting about us in the UC Santa Cruz Alumni magazine
and would we be interested in being interviewed for an article she was
writing about people who travel around the world with computers? Would
we??? Of course! So, after a couple of e mails back and forth (including
some digital photos of us in various locales), we had been waiting with
baited breath for about a month for the article to come out. We had absolutely
no idea what it would be like, or how much of our interview would be used.
So, at the earliest possible moment, we went to
the NY Times web site to see the article. The first thing we saw was a
huge, full color photo of a couple with a Libretto in Thailand. But
it wasn't us! We then clicked on the link to the actual article and
were absolute overjoyed at what we saw. There in print were our names
as the lead off to the article! The first three paragraphs were about us,
and there were more later on in the article.
Lest anyone accuse us of vanity here, let me say
this...well ok, sure, there is a little ego involved here, but mostly it
was just really great to get a little attention and vindication for something
that we had worked so darn hard on for so long. To all those people who
said, before we left, "why are you bothering to do this?" I just wanted
to say, "nah nah na nah naah"! Yeah, people are interested! And
we weren't the only ones doing it either! In fact, of the eight other web
sites listed in the article, I had been in touch with six of them either
before we left, or during the trip. Small world, us techno-travelers.
Almost immediately, the site received thousands
of hits, we got 20 new list members overnight, dozens of nice comments
via e mail, a couple job offers, a request for interview on the Travel
Channel, and a few other magazine interview requests.
Later, we discover that the article was picked up and re-printed in other newspapers in the US. When we finally see the print copy, we see that inside there is a picture of us in Nepal and a picture of the front page of the site.
If you want to check out the article on the web, go to this site at GeoCities, New York Times acticle
May 7, 1999
The torch is passed...
Dave and Kelly Burns are a couple our age who have
been following our web site since before we left. They are from Chicago,
and like us, were working professionals who decided to give it all up,
sell the condo and embark on 14 month trip around the world. We have been
corresponding via e mail during our journey, and at the end of March, they
left on their own trip. They too, are carrying a laptop, a digital camera,
and topping us, a digital video camera. They have also have their own web
site called,
Since it seemed that our paths were to cross here in Europe, on a long
shot, we invited them here to Switzerland. They jumped at the chance, and
rerouted their trip, changing a flight, to include a day and a half here
with us.
They arrived, late in the afternoon, after an overnight
train ride from Barcelona, and a day in Geneva. They also went to Artemis
and had a similar experience to the one we had. We spent in evening in
a rush of travel related conversation, advice and practical tips. Dave
B. said he felt as if the "torch was being passed", with them just starting
out, us practically on our way home. I'm not sure if we felt like old hands
at this, or just old. I have to admit that I was a bit jealous of their
plans, which include many of the places we missed; India, Safari in Africa,
Egypt. But I can't wait to follow them now, and see where they go.
May 8, 1999
Chateau Chillon and the cows
This morning we woke up to rain and fog. Though not unusual for a location so high in the Alps, it was disappointing, as we had wanted to go on a hike to a waterfall across the valley that can be seen from the apartment's balcony. So, instead, it was on to Plan B, which was to go visit the Castle at Chillon, in the small town of Montreux (of the jazz festival fame).
But first, as we stood on the balcony, bemoaning
the foul weather, we noticed that about a block away, in the parking lot
for the teleferique, were a bunch of cows! Not exactly a herd, for
they weren't
roaming aimlessly, but about forty cows, tied up with big bells on, standing
in four neat rows. Intrigued by this unique vision, we went down there,
cameras in tow, to find out what was going on. When we got closer, we noticed
a big tent that had been set up, filled with people eating wonderful smelling
barbecued food. We sent David over, as he was the only one who spoke French,
to find out what was going on. It turns out, that we had come across the
annual Champery cattle judging competition. They cows were in four categories,
young female cows under 21 months, female cows over 21 months, female cows
that had given birth once (first lactation) and older cattle. They all
were prime animals, well fed and cared for, and much better looking than
their third world cousins, we noted. We considered attending the BBQ, but
it didn't seem fair, after admiring these lovely creatures (not to mention,
that like everything else in Switzerland, it was just too expensive).
At the bottom of the valley, as we drove toward
Montreux, the weather, thankfully began to clear. We arrived at Chillon
in the mid afternoon and took ourselves on a self guided tour of the castle.
This was aided by a great brochure, freely offered in many languages, when
you purchase a ticket. It takes you room by room through the excellently
preserved medieval castle.
Chatau Chillion sits on a rock on the edge of Lake
Geneva, protected on all sides by the water. It was built on the ancient
road to Italy over the St. Bernard Pass and used to guard the area between
the lake and the mountains, and to collect taxes on all merchandise that
passed through. It is possibly best known for its dungeon and prison, built
right into the base of the rock, and it's most famous inhabitant,
Byron, who carved his name right into one of the stone pillars. The restoration
of the castle began in the late 1800's and although not all the furniture
is original, the condition of the castle is remarkable. It is possible
to get a feeling for how its former owners lived, down to a two hole latrine
that dropped straight down, thirty feet, to the lake below. There are two
great halls, both containing huge stone fireplaces and all the necessary
iron cooking utensils. the walls are covered in black and white paint with
a brick pattern. It is also possible to walk the battlements and the castle
keep where soldiers once defended the castle through "key holes" cut into
the outer fortifications.
Wanting to give Dave and Kelly an authentic Swiss meal to compliment their crash course Swiss experience, we made a traditional cheese fondue for dinner. Yes, this is not a relic of 1960's Americana, the Swiss do actually make fondues of all sorts for family meals. I think the meal was a success, as there was not a drop of cheese left at the end. The meal was complimented by a good Swiss white wine called Fendant, which is the traditional accompaniment to a cheese fondue.
Later in the evening we gave Dave and Kelly a short
instruction on all the technical, phone, and computer stuff they might
need as they travel. As in, learn from our mistakes! They had yet
to experience the "joys" of trying to rewire a hard wired phone for a computer
modem, and the pitfalls of polarity reversion, and "line one/ line two"
problems. Also, since they will also be using iPass to dial up, we gave
them some info on where problems can occur in dial up networking. This
stuff is not usually fun, but important to learn if you want to stay on
We had so much fun having them here, that we tried
to convince them to stay another day, hoping for better weather. They considered
it too, but in the end, thought it would be too difficult to change their
flight from Venice to Athens scheduled for the next day. So, after staying
up 'til 4 AM talking, on virtually no sleep, they left at 6 AM for their
train back to Geneva and then to Venice. We were sorry to see them go and
hope they will stop for a visit as they pass through LA at the end of their
May 17, 1999
Fear and Loathing part 3
When I started this journal, many months before we
even left, it was because I wanted people to know what happened during
the planning process, not only the practical details, but the wide range
of personal thoughts and anxiety that was going on in my head. In May
and August of 1998, I had two journal entries
entitled "Fear and Loathing" and I find, as we prepare to go home, that
I am facing much of the same.
I realized after a few successive nights of insomnia,
that what I was experiencing was the same as before we left, only now with
a slightly different focus. Gone were the worries of illness in a foreign
place, of being robbed or pickpocketed, of plane crashes and missed trains,
having been replaced with anxiety about going home. What about getting
jobs, finding a place to live, money worries, and
how will we ever be able to travel long term again with mortgage,
jobs, and kids? Will our friends still be there, will they have missed
us? Will everything have changed or will nothing have changed at all? Will
I find a job I like that pays me what I'm worth? Gone were the packing
worries, replaced with concerns of how we will furnish a home. What about
car insurance, medical insurance, and oh yeah, don't forget, we need two
telephone lines for that all important internet access! A million details
to worry me, just like nine months ago. Only this time, it is not tempered
by the excitement of unknown destinations, but exacerbated by the stress
of return to "real life".
May 18, 1999
Walking the Gallerie
Across the valley from the village is the Gallerie Defago, a hiking
trail that was carved out of solid rock at the top of a 1000 foot sheer
cliff. The trail is well maintained but not advised for anyone with
bad vertigo. That little fence in the picture is all that stands
between Kristina and an express voyage to the valley floor. I have
walked the trail more times than I can count, but it always impresses me
when I go. At the top of the trail, there is a little cantina and
restaurant, next to a beautiful waterfall, and cows with their big bells
ringing. The whole scene is so idyllic that it almost makes
you burst into song... "The hills are alive, with.....
but I exert self control and refrain from singing.
Only one other place is as relaxing to me, Baja California
at my friend Randy's, but Switzerland is also significant to my personal
history. If I had not gone to Switzerland, I would not have learned French,
and maybe not even made it to college. I would not have learned Spanish,
or become a teacher either. My life would have been entirely different.
So here we are, at the last stop on our journey, and with each day
I become more relaxed. We will have to begin to think about finding
a place to live, and start looking for new jobs. I am not sure how
I feel about going home yet. I am at once excited and resistant because
a big part of me is ready to hit the road again, and head off into
the unknown. I know that Kristina feels pretty much the same way.
Now, where can we find somebody to pay us to keep
If you have comments or suggestions,
email us at
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