Europe,  United Kingdom

Chiswick, London

Chiswick is a suburb in West London, about half an hour by train from the city center (in tube zone 4). We chose this neighborhood primarily because we found an affordable vacation rental with enough bedrooms and bathrooms for 8 people. It’s a lovely little neighborhood with a small town feel, complete with decent supermarket plus butcher, baker and candle-stick maker (not so sure about the last one). Since we knew most places would be closed over the Christmas holiday, it didn’t matter so much if we were in the center of London or not.

Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick

We walked past this adorable little church every time we went to the high street or the tube station. Unfortunately, we never had the chance to go inside.

Chiswick High Street
Chiswick High Street
Chiswick High Street
Chiswick High Street bakery- Wonderful bread.
Chiswick outdoor farmer's market
Chiswick outdoor farmer’s market
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Friendly squirrel at Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick- I loved that purple door!
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick
Christ Church, Turnham Green, Chiswick

On Christmas day we took a walk over to the Chiswick House to walk around the grounds and park surrounding it. In the summer the house is open to visitors but we had to be content with the water foul, park landscape and house exterior.

Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House
Chiswick House
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House Conservatory
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House grounds
Chiswick House Birds
Chiswick House Birds
Kristina at Chiswick House
Kristina at Chiswick House
Chiswick House Birds
Chiswick House Birds


  • Jan Banerjee

    I love Chiswick. The Turham green and the Church area is simply so beautiful any time of the year especially in fall when the colors are out of the world! The Chiswick House and gardens are so unique catering to people of all ages. I have wondered how they are so well-kept! The bright colored vegetables at the farm house market looks very tempting! Reading through your blog was like living in Chiswick! 🙂 Thank you.

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